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Hydroponic Harvest CHANGEmakers: Julian Lichtenfeld

Hydroponic Harvest is a club out of Spanish River High School that provides fresh produce to food-insecure individuals and...

Idea Lab CHANGEmakers: Charlotte Donelan, Evie Price, Angel Rojas, Pierce Dono, Olivier Charles-Pierre

Idea Lab is a student-led program that assists migrant students at the Hope Rural School to gather tools and...

Let’s Get Booking CHANGEmakers: Shane Herman

Let’s Get Booking is a 501(c)3 organization that provides students with dyslexia an opportunity to practice reading in stress-free...

Life, Light, and Power Podcast CHANGEmakers: Timothy Brewer, Aliciana Lifsey, Imani Groce

Life, Light, and Power Podcast is a student-run podcast that provides a forum for Baltimore’s youth to discuss difficult...

Linking for Brilliance CHANGEmakers: Diane Fakinlede, Adeola Adekoya, Christian Jackson Allen, Bethany Tubman

Linking for Brilliance is a student-run mentorship program that provides mentorship to 6th-8th grade students at Calvin Rodwell Elementary/Middle...

Little Angels Tutoring CHANGEmakers: Adryena Flores, Nestor Flores

Little Angels Tutoring is a student-led mentorship program that administers mentoring and tutoring at El Sol in Jupiter for...

Mayan Girls CHANGEmakers: Lorena Felipe Sebastian, Daniella Domingo, Magdalena Francisco, Ramona Francisco

The Mayan Girls is a student-led initiative that translates relevant content relating to health and community updates from English...

Memory Creation CHANGEmakers: Khary Trower, Quintrell Reese

Memory Creation is a student initiative that plans to build a memorial garden in the Upton neighborhood where youth...

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